Teeth Replacement, Melbourne

Teeth replacement treatment affects more than just how your teeth feel. It also affects your appearance, bone health, nutrition, comfort and confidence.

An All On 4 smile make over is aimed to provide suitable patients with a full set of functional teeth within three days.

Using the latest advances in dental prosthetics, sedation dentistry techniques and state-of-the-art surgical facilities, we strive to help you achieve the smile you have long dreamed about.

The truth about implant treatment

At CAID we assess every patient on an individual basis and advise accordingly to maximise the potential for a truly aesthetic and functional outcome, but every surgical and dental procedure carries risks. Be that as it may, implant treatment at our clinic is an everyday occurrence and significant complications are rare. There are many myths and misconceptions surrounding teeth replacement treatment. But under the care of Dr Alex Fibishenko and the team at CAID, you’ll find that these are often very far from the truth.

Myth: Procedures are painful and invasive

The surgery is performed under an effective local anaesthetic, often with IV sedation under the supervision of a trained anaesthetist. Longer procedures are done under a general anaesthetic, so you are asleep and will have no recollection of the surgery. The appropriate smile make over plan for each patient is developed using the latest x-ray technology and state-of-the-art computer programs, ensuring that the procedure is as minimally invasive as possible. Specialist anaesthetists will discuss your options for pain-free surgery before the procedure, and work to maximise your comfort throughout the treatment process.

What about pain after the surgery? We always prescribe painkillers, but more often than not patients tell us at their review that they didn’t need to use them.

Myth: Prosthetic teeth and bridges look fake

A team of experienced dental prosthesists and technicians have facilities co-located at the clinic, constructing new teeth that are individualised for a truly aesthetic result. The high-grade acrylic and ceramic materials used have been developed to mirror the translucencies and texture of natural dentation. New teeth are constructed to suit you based on x-ray scans and photographs of your mouth and face. We always aim for a natural result – so only you will know that they are not real, but we always also take your desires into account, especially with regards to the colour.

Myth: Smile make overs with implants take several months

All On 4 can take as little as three days. With the right preparation and suitably stable titanium fixtures, teeth replacement bridges can be loaded onto implants almost immediately.

Myth: Dentures are good enough

They may look like teeth, but functionally they don’t do everything that teeth should be able to do; they can be uncomfortable to wear, and talking, eating and tasting can be difficult. In the long run, denture wear may often lead to deterioration of the jaw bone, potentially affecting facial appearance. This is why a permanent alternative to dentures is the most sought-after treatment at our clinic. A smile make over with All On 4 is aimed to help keep you looking young, make it easier to talk and enable you to eat anything – even foods you thought you’d never taste again.

Myth: Implants only work for certain people

We perform successful teeth replacement treatments on a diverse range of patients on a daily basis. Patients of any age, with a range of different issues, come to us for smile make overs. Complementary procedures such as alveolectomies and bone grafting can help restore hard and soft tissue that has been affected by deterioration or disease, preparing the mouth for lasting, stable and comfortable dental implants.

For more information on All On 4 and the procedures performed at our purpose-built facility, book an appointment today online or on 1300 ALL ON 4 [1300 255 664].